Maximum intended load means the total load of all persons, equipment, tools, materi-als, transmitted loads, and other loads reasonably anticipated to be applied to. These scaffolds have many uses in tanks, silos, stacks, and chimneys. RULE 408.41229(5): Before a scaffold is used, a competent person shall evaluate direct connections. Make sure outrigger beams do not project more than 6 feet 6 inches beyond the bearing. 1926.452(q) Multi-point adjustable suspension scaffolds, stonesetters' multi-point adjustable suspension scaffolds, and masons'. Masons' multi-point adjustable suspension scaffold means a continuous run suspension scaffold designed and used for masonry operations. Masons' Adjustable Multi-Point Suspension Scaffold with Winding Drum Hoists Boatswain's Chair. ATS applies the latest technology and engineering methods where single-level, single-point adjustable, multi-level, multi-point adjustable, catenary, interior hung, needle beam, and float scaffolds are applicable.

Multi-level: Two-point or multi-point adjustable suspension scaffold with a series of platforms at various levels resting on common stirrups. Capacity: Modular stages are lightweight with load capacity in excess of 1500 lbs. 450(b), such as the following scaffolds: single-point, multi-point, multi-level, two-point, adjustable, boatswain's chair, catenary, chimney hoist. 1926.451 states the following: "A suspension scaffold contains one or more platforms suspended by ropes or other non-rigid means from an overhead structure.

scaffold platforms used in construction operations. Multi-point adjustable Single-point adjustable Swing stage This type of scaffolding system is commonly used in projects where tall structures are involved. Multi-point Adjustable: A multi-point adjustable scaffold consists of a platform (or platforms) suspended by more than two ropes from overhead supports and equipped with means to raise and lower the platform(s) to desired work levels. Another suspended scaffold is the multi-point option. To design the direct connections of masons' multi-point adjustable suspension scaffolds. Needle Beam The two scaffold frames are connected to each other by wire mesh trusses. Needle beam scaffold means a platform suspended from needle beams. General Requirements All Multi-Level Suspended Scaffolds shall be constructed in accordance with the counterweights, suspension ropes, power-operated suspension scaffold hoists, manually operated suspension. (Spiders) This scaffold accommodates only one person at a time. It's fixed permanently on a base of a fixed structure. two ropes from overhead supports and equipped. This option allows one or multiple platforms to be suspended with more than two ropes from overhead. Unlike a single-point adjustable scaffold, a multi-point adjustable scaffold may be able to accommodate additional workers. To design pole scaffolds over 60 feet in height, and. A scaffold having a continuous platform supported by bearers suspended by wire rope from overhead supports, so arranged and operated as to permit the. Multi-point adjustable suspension scaffold means a suspension scaffold consisting of a platform (s) which is suspended by more than two ropes from overhead supports and equipped with means to raise and lower the platform to desired work levels. Sand, gravel and similar materials that can be easily dislocated shall not be used as counterweights.

(d)(10) - Ropes shall be inspected for defects by a competent person prior to each workshift and after every occurrence which could affect a rope's integrity. Suspended scaffolding is a type of scaffolding that is suspended from the top of a building.