Haven’t tried dunking a basketball in about a decade, and I’m holding out hope that I haven’t lost some “hops” in my older age and can still throw it down. Oh, and finally, I loved the clue to HOPS, especially as I was described as “having some hops” in high school when I had the ability to dunk a basketball on a regulation 10-foot rim (64D: ). There were absolutely no trouble spots in the grid, and, compared to most of the grids that I do on here (as well as the NYT and other crosswords), I was a BLUR in terms of putting in answers for this puzzle (36A: ). All the promos seem to indicate it’s good television, but just haven’t turned the dial and gave the show a try, but maybe I will soon. I might be one of the few people out there that hasn’t watched more than five total minutes of CSI MIAMI, or any of the CSI franchise on CBS (5D: ). There’s a Greek connection in the northwest with BETA (17A: ) and ZETA (3D: ). There were good-looking models at Fashion Week here in NYC not too long ago, but that’s a different topic for a different day. Not only does the theme touch on cars, there’s the car-related SHOWROOM also present (9D: ). BULOVA MEN’S WATCH: (56A: ) – I do not own a Bulova, which means I’m definitely not living in the lap of luxury.Hartman, includes three three-word theme answers in which the first letters of the three words are in a B-M-W pattern. We definitely go into the weekend with a bang, or better yet, with a spin in a Beemer (slang word for the car that’s being hinted at). It’s that time again! It’s Friday! Let’s start the weekend off right, shall we? DO-SI-DO, and away we go (31A: )!! Hartman’s CrosSynergy/Washington Post crossword, “BMW Models”-Ade’s write-upĬrosSynergy/Washington Post crossword solution, 09.12.14: “BMW Models” … Eh, the hating didn’t do anything for me. Does it feel good to hate? I hate many of these answers with only-in-crosswords spelled-out numerals. Hey! Maybe the negative Thursday commenters were onto something. Did you all read Wilfed Owen’s “ Dulce et Decorum Est” in high school? It’s a ghastly poem (intentionally so) about WWI soldiers getting gassed. Crossword-worthy phrase, yes or no? I lean no. Is picture tube technology firmly on the way out? I know the elements yttrium and ytterbium, but not this oxide. Nice grid-it’s got a lot of good flow from zone to zone.Although “What the…?!” is a regular line in this household, and it’s no more complete (but it’s omitting a rude word rather than a verb phrase like “How on earth did they do that?” , “HOW ON EARTH?!?” “What on earth…?” feels more familiar. BIKE TO WORK would be a weird crossword entry, though. Maybe a hair contrived? But drive to work/take the train/take the bus/bike to work, these are all lexically chunky commuting options. Nice top stack, though the crossings are less tasty. , “I’M OUTTA HERE!” Does anyone know why “outta” has a double T? Is it influenced by “gotta”? , STADIUM ROCK-hey, you all need to see this concert video of Queen doing “Another One Bites the Dust” in 1981 (Freddie Mercury sports quite the look, and the song is awesome). This puzzle, it’s just a standard Friday themeless, not too hard. (For October’s Crosswords LA, we’re trying to keep the hard puzzle at a slightly more workable level of difficulty.) Those people … would probably not enjoy themselves at ACPT or Lollapuzzoola, because there is always a gnarly beast that defeats a sizeable percentage of the competitors. Comments at the various blogs included a lot of uses of the H-word (that’s “hate”).

Whoa, yesterday’s puzzle was a killer, and it really put a lot of solvers into a tizzy/meltdown. NY TImes crossword solution, 9 12 14, no.